Advice: Tips for Having an Easy Breezy Wedding Day!
The day is here, cue the happy tears! All of the hard work, late nights, planning, and hard work towards this day and now its here! Weddings are my favorite type of event for so many reasons but the number one is, you have all of your favorite people in one room and their purpose for being there is to celebrate the love you have with your best friend. IT’S THE BEST! Throughout my years as an event coordinator, I have learned that there are a few things that are a MUST to remaining calm on your wedding day. Read on to see some tips I have to make your day as stress free as can be.
Get a Good Night Sleep!
It is the day before, your nerves are on HIGH, you are putting together the finishing touches. Nail appointments, last minute packing, phone calls, it gets to be a busy day. Typically, you will have your rehearsal ceremony and rehearsal dinner. Once its all done, you are exhausted, and you have to have the biggest day of your life in just a few short hours.
When you finish up with your rehearsal & rehearsal dinner, it is okay to be selfish and try to get to bed early. The time for celebrating is tomorrow.
2. Make sure EVERYONE has a timeline.
Grandma, Aunt Kathy, your vendors, your wedding party. All of them need to have timelines. I love making timelines and I think they are CRUCIAL for everything running smooth. There are 3 versions of timelines that are helpful
Wedding Party & Family Timeline - I like to start this timeline when the wedding activities start, so if Thursday or Friday you are starting with getting your nails done, have that on the timeline. Give this one to family as well that need to be at the rehearsal dinner and photos the day of.
Having a timeline for vendors will help them know when other vendors are arriving and they have an idea on how the day is planned out.
Timeline for guests, this is more simplified, letting guests know what time the ceremony, social hour and dinner starts. Some add extras such as, when they are cutting cake, when the first dance is, or when late night snacks come out, if the couple is planning a special send off, that could be on there as well.
3. Make Sure Everyone Gets Ready Before the Bride.
Moms, Grandmas, flower girls, bridesmaids. Everyone should get hair, makeup and dresses on before you. This is done for a number of reasons but the main, photos, but also, you don’t want to sit around all day in makeup and that big ass dress! Your bridesmaids are going to be in photos helping you get dressed, or maybe you are doing a big reveal to them? You want them looking just as amazing as you are right!?! Well maybe not JUST as amazing, you are the bride. :)
4. Stay Fed & Hydrated!
This might sound obvious, but when I am nervous, I feel like I can’t eat. I feel that is the case for most brides, but its a non-negotiable, EAT! Get breakfast in you, get some coffee in you and keep it going through out the day! Snacks and water will help you stay level headed and really give you the chance to enjoy your day!
I always encourage my brides to eat a well rounded breakfast! (Healthy fats make your brain happy) But also stay hydrated and fueled throughout the whole day!
We always run apps out to you during your social hour, but if you don’t have someone like us by your side, make sure someone is getting you those yummy apps!
Extra Tip
Ask your caterer to keep some appetizers on the side for you & your hunny. If your wedding party is not going to be at the social hour, make sure to ask them to hold back for the wedding party as well, otherwise, you will not get to enjoy any those apps that you loved and paid for.
5. Emergency Kit
They sell these tiny, cute, novelty “Fit in your purse” size emergency kits at fancy boutiques and Target, DON’T GET THOSE. Make sure someone is packing a real, survival skilled emergency kit. Thread, needles, safety pins, stain remover, wet wipes, make up, static guard, hair spray (the list goes on) As a planner, we have a huge tackle box that comes with us at all times! Make sure you have it all and that you have someone making sure it comes everywhere with you. You don’t want to have it at the reception space when you need it at the ceremony.
Photo by Savannah Kay
6. Delegating Tasks
This one is for all those control freaks out there (I mean freak in the sweetest way)
There are a million and 2 things to do on a wedding day, and the couple should not have to worry about ANY of it! My favorite part of my job is when a couple gives up complete control and just lets other people take care of the little details & tasks. The couple has the only task of getting married and getting their party on. They get to show up at their wedding venue and get teary eyed when they walk in and everything is perfection. For this reason, delegation is so huge to me! Now if you have hired a planner (raises hand) then they will take care of all of the little stuff for you, but if you do not decide on the planner route, enlisting in family and friends can be a big help!
Here is a shrunken down list of what the couple needs help with
Assisting the couple through out the day
Assisting with the ceremony, making sure the wedding party is lined up and ready to go!
Make sure the ceremony starts on time
Keep track of marriage licenses
Moving floral and decor from ceremony to reception
Setting up the escort card table
Setting up the gift & memory table
Setting up center pieces & lighting candles
Putting on chair covers
Wrangling family for photos (make sure the wrangler knows everyone so they know who they are looking for)
Directing & managing vendors
Handing out tip envelopes to vendors
Getting everyone in place for the Grand March
Cuing the Speeches & first dances
Taking decor down at the end of the night
Making sure the gifts and cards get into a responsible persons car at the end of the night
7. Make time for each other
Photography Angelia Divine Photography
This is your big day together, soak it all in! Sneak away if only for 5 minutes after the ceremony and have some alone time! Talk about your favorite moments from the ceremony, kiss, dance around (you just got married!) just be present in the moment & take time to let all the emotions sink in.
8. Have everything needed for the day packed and ready to go a week out!
Some say the day before, but I am a planner and I like all my stuff taken care of ahead of time!
Marriage certificate is in a secure spot, and someone is in charge of it. Make sure you have tip envelops ready, clothes for after the wedding night and honey moon are packed. All the decor is placed in totes & boxes. Make sure they are clearly labeled (What is in there and where it needs to go), this will help make those last few days less stressful & less of a chance you forgetting something.
Photographer Lauren Baker Photography
Pro Tip!
If you want some of those Pinterest worthy detail shots, make sure you have those packed up in a shoe box.
A copy of your invitation suite
A cute ring box
Little accents like a ring dish or ribbons
Perfume bottle
Photographer Ester Knowlen Photography
9. Backup Plans in Place!
If you are reading this in Minnesota, you know that the weather can change on the drop of a dime! Don’t let that derail you from having an outdoor ceremony or wedding. That being said, don’t get overwhelmed with the thought of something coming up on your big day as well. Have a rain plan, a tent, pavilion, or an indoor option is always key! Making sure that is in place and keep in mind that rain does not ruin your day, its good luck!
10. Don’t freak out over small mishaps.
The day has come and it is time to enjoy it! All of the backups, planning & prep in the world can not guarantee that things will be perfect, and that is OK. Things might come up, but staying calm & remaining flexible will allow you to roll with the punches & take in all of the memories of this special day!
That seems like a lot I know, but it does not have to be so overwhelming; investing in a Day of Coordinator / Wedding Planner can take care of most of these tasks and MORE! Our job & passion is to take the worry off of the couple and give them full rein to do nothing but enjoy their day! If you would like insight on pricing through us, you can reach out by clicking down below! If you don’t feel like a DOC is for you but you need some more tips and advice, we can do that too! Whatever you choose, I truly just hope you breath and take it all in and enjoy the best day ever!